Tuesday, October 2nd the Ladies 9-hole group played in a golf tournament Rally for the Cure to support Breast Cancer Awareness month. Fifty-seven ladies participated in the tournament and raised $1,140 for the Susan G. Komen foundation. Each participant donated $20 and in addition to raising awareness, enjoyed a 'pink luncheon' with guest speakers and received a one-year's subscription donated from Golf for Women magazine. Guest speakers included Arenetta Gardner the Director of Radiology at Central Carolina hospital and Peggy Davis a certified midwife (who delivered two babies that morning). The speakers gave a presentation on topics of self breast exams, early detection, risk factors and digital mammograms. Sanford's local hospital, Central Carolina, has the updated equipment for digital mammograms.
The tournament had two contests with Celia Sharer wining closest to the pin and second place went to Pat Parker and Joan Havill. This great event was chaired by Jan Carlson and co-chair Paula Gloecker. All of the money raised went directly to the Komen foundation.