The "Chippers" and "Muggles" are two groups of couples who travel to various courses in the area for golf, followed by dinner at an area restaurant. We also schedule a yearly overnight "road trip" to a more distant destination such as Myrtle Beach or the mountains. In addition to our two groups, there are a number of other "Sandhills Groups." Most of the groups have 6 to 8 couples; some couples are in more than one group. A few years ago the "Muggles" (named from the Harry Potter movies) challenged the Chippers to a friendly match. A trophy was purchased to be awarded to the winner. This year's match, the third of the series was held October 21st. The match ended in a tie so the trophy wil be engraved with the names of both groups and will be shared. We would welcome similar challenge matches with other "Sandhills" groups. Everything is on a very friendly basis and we have a lot of fun at dinner and cocktails after the match, discussing how well (or poorly) we all played. If other people are interested in a challenge match they can contact Jim & Sharon Morris (Muggles) or Terry & Mary Lynn Riddle (Chippers).