The Carolinas PGA held its annual meeting and education forum on February 22nd and 23rd. CTCC Head Pro, Mike Krick was sworn in as a new Board Member and Area V Director. Area V covers all of Pinehurst to Fayetteville and as far east as Trace. His duties and responsibilities include serving as a direct line to the Executive Committee of the CPGA, conduct educational seminars and golf tournaments.
Hank Haney was the educational speaker at their recent meeting. Haney provides the Carolinas Golf Professional insight on his teaching philosophy and how he got started in the golf industry. At the end of the meeting Haney conducted an open forum for questions. He said, “You can ask me any question you like, except the question you know you can’t ask” (Haney is the swing coach for Tiger Woods.) A highlight of the educational program was Haney's view on fundamentals. Last year, after the second round of the Wachovia Championship in Charlotte Haney gave Tiger a new grip. He viewed “point of contact” on the golf ball to be a critical factor on the ball flight. The players swing plane greatly influenced the direction of the ball. The notes from the seminar are available in the Pro Shop and Krick will be happy to discuss them with you. Congratulations Mike!