Mike Krick, Head Pro, his staff and 105 members of the Carolina Trace Country Club Men’s Golf Association joined the fight towards cancer in its annual outing supporting the program of “Arnie’s Army Battle of Prostate Cancer.” Just over $1300 was raised by the participating players. Winners of the event, pictured, were John Kirkman, Dave Marble, Bobby Felicio and Ken Garrett. Also recognized was Ray Nuzzolo who received a Callaway gift card for closest to the pin at 1’4.”
www.arniesarmybattles.com-- "Arnie’s Army Battles Prostate Cancer is a unique fundraising and awareness campaign of the Prostate Cancer Foundation. The program is designed to help organizers and participants use golf as a fundraising tool to raise money for better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer.
Every dollar raised by Arnie’s Army tournaments goes directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation where is it deployed rapidly to support advanced prostate cancer research for the development of better treatments and, ultimately, a cure for this disease that strikes 1 out of every 6 American men."