Tuesday, July 7
Book Sale at Lake Fest
The Carolina Trace Ladies 9 Hole Golf Association will sponsor our annual used book sale at the Lake Fest on Saturday, September 5th from 10:00 to 3:00 in the Clubhouse parking lot. We hope you will support our efforts again this year and save lots of money on our low-priced books.
We would appreciate the donation of hardback, paperback, and audio books in good condition (except no textbooks, please). Cookbooks, children’s books and recent novels are, especially, in demand. Please bring your books anytime after July 15th to the front porch of Marsha Davis (571 Broadmoor Court in Trentwood) or Nancy Aman (1355 Virginia Circle in Hidden Lake). If you have any questions, please call Nancy Aman (498-3043), Marsha Davis (498-0141) or Donna Heidinger (498-3056).