The 2009 Tracer Member-Guest was a huge success. We dodged the forecasted rain and the golf course was in spectacular shape. Seven flights competed in the five nine hole match format. The tournament finished with the flight winners competing against each other in a shoot out that took place on the Lake Course. The shoot out provided plenty of drama with the overall champions winning the chip off. Dick Brown and Robert Groben(pictured first) won the 2009 Tracer Member-Guest. The flight winners were as follows: Flight One-Jeff Pecor and Luke Scala; Flight Two- Bill Guwang and Bill Gernhardt; Flight Three- Glen and Greg McGivney; Flight Four- Len Tulio and Jim Waas; Flight Five-Lew Andersen and Trent Crosby; Flight Six- Bobby Felicio and Joe Matties; Flight Seven- Arnold Mullings and Chuck Calhoun III.

(Gernhardt & Guwang)

(Pecor & Scala)

(Waas & Tulio)

(Andersen & Crosby)

(Felicio & Mattis)

(Mullings & Calhoun)

(McGivney & McGivney)