More than fifty members made the trip to play the very challenging Tobacco Road. Everyone had a great time and there was excellent golf played as well. The format for the day was best ball gross and best ball net. Closest to the pin prizes were awarded. The winners for the day are as follows: Closest to the Pin winners were Ron Carhart, John Marston, Joyce Gilliam and Brian Mathis. 1st place gross with a score of 64 was the team of Bill Fox, Bill Guwang, Richard Daniel and Head Pro, Mike Krick. 1st place net was the team of Dave and Penny Turner and Fred and Barbara Brown with a 49, 2nd place was the team of Ginny Seeger, Bibi Brown, Sue Palmer and Laila Nuzzolo with a 54, 3rd place was the team of Ray Nuzzolo, Gary Peterson, Jim Morris and Scott Schaeffer with 56. The 4th place team of GM Brad Bourret, Director of Golf Course Maintenance,Tim Hart, Ron Carhart and Bob Carlson also shot 56 but lost on match of cards. Thanks to Tobacco Road for a great day.