The MGA held their final event before the Year-End Matches. The weather and the golf course was spectacular—sunny skies at 75 degrees while playing golf in the peak of vivid fall colors. Recap from Pro Krick: Eighty players participated in the scramble format and many great scores were turned in. Among the best was the team of Dale Roberts, John Puklavetz, Jerry Venice and George Keep (pictured). They scored a 59.5 which won first place honors. Closest to the pin honors went to Scott Schilz, #6, 11’ 10”; Ralph Martin #8, 6’ 5”; Dick Brown #13, 6’ 11.5” and Al Frangipane #15, 8’ 7”. The staff jumped in and played as well. The team of Brad Bourret, Mike Krick, Brock White and Adam Gordon carded a smooth 58. Another perfect day at Carolina Trace Country Club.