A celebratory drink as they finish playing their 100-holes of golf. March 10th, 2008, Head Golf Professional, Mike Krick and Golf Course Superintendent, Tim Hart, played 100-holes in one day on the Lake Course as a fundraiser for the recent fire damage to the Clubhouse. Their day started at 8:00 AM and they played for the next ten and a half hours. Krick and Hart developed a following of members watching them play hole after hole. GM Bourret purchased a variety of pizzas to keep them energized after each round. Hart commented, "I usually get to play5 to 6 rounds of golf per year, in 2008, I played the rounds all in one day". Krick appreciated the support he received from the Carolinas Golf Association, Professional Golf Association, and from his fellow golf professionals all across the country. Panorama Magazine interviewed Krick and Hart during their marathon and a write-up of their efforts will be the main feature. Krick and Hart are still accepting donations, and a muscle relaxer wouldn't hurt either. Congratulations to our dedicated staff, Mike and Tim!