Tuesday, January 22

Vacation Club Spirit Winners

The Vacation Club Spirit is a program started in 2007 for members to submit digital photographs of places they visited around the world displaying CTCC apparel. The two prize categories are for pictures taken the farthest distance from Carolina Trace and the most interesting/unique picture with certain criteria that compliments the photograph. The department heads had a special meeting to vote for the 2007 prize winners from more than thirty photo submissions. This year, first place winners receive a $100 credit to the Pro Shop or the Grille Room, Runner-up winners receive a $50 credit to the Pro Shop or the Grille Room, and those that received honorable mention may choose a bottle of wine from the wine list.
Congratulations to 2007 VCS prize winners: FARTHEST DISTANCE, 1ST, Todd and Louise Spofford at an Internationally recognized park, Featherdale Wildlife Park, in Sydney, Australia with a Koala; RUNNER-UP, Gene and Rita Pasztor at the bow of the Statendam in the Port of Burnie, Tasmania, Australia; HONORABLE MENTION, Don and Ann Karrer on the Great Wall of China; MOST INTERESTING/UNIQUE, 1ST, John and Marjorie Schmidt on a tour of Alcatraz prison at the entrance to the prison cell block; RUNNER-UP, Allen and Karen Parelius in Llasa, Tibet; HONORABLE MENTION, David and Mary Ann Feavel inside the Misty Fjords, Ketichan, Alaska with a waterfall in the background, Bill Green, Connie Green, Florence Kaisen, Sally Grocott, Lee McGivney, Glen McGivney in Lhasa, Tibet, in front of the Potala Palace, and Jim and Sharon Morris in Kalispell, Montana with CT flag in a hot air balloon.
VCS program for 2008: We will announce the winners twice a year, in June and December. Members may submit up to five photos per year, and all photos must be emailed and been taken in 2008. Photos are placed in two categories and then criteria for narrowing to a winner is utilized. For example, your chances to win increase by the frequency and visibility of the logo, in addition to the location, background and unique elements about your photo. Remember, all members are eligible to submit photos, so make sure you have purchased new CTCC apparel for your next vacation.

Farthest Distance from Carolina Trace

1st place Todd and Louise Spofford at Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney, Australia with a Koala

Gene and Rita Pasztor at the bow of the Statendam in the Port of Burnie, Tasmania, Australia
Honorable mention
Don and Ann Karrer on the Great Wall of China
Most Interesting/Unique Photo
1st place
John and Marjorie Schmidt on a tour of Alcatraz prison at the entrance to the prison cell block
Allen and Karen Parelius in Llasa, Tibet
Honorable Mention:
David and Mary Ann Feavel inside the Misty Fjords, Ketichan, Alaska with a waterfall in the background.
Bill Green, Connie Green, Florence Kaisen, Sally Grocott, Lee McGivney, Glen McGivney in Lhasa, Tibet, in front of the Potala Palace.
Jim and Sharon Morris in Kalispell, Montana with CT flag in a hot air balloon