The Annual Carolina Trace Christmas Party was a great success. Many friends and family members attended the event and brought their children and grandchildren, totaling 96 children participated in the festivities. Everyone enjoyed all of the games, gifts, face painting, making Christmas cards, Reindeer Dust and, of course, Santa!
The delicious cookies were generously donated by the Ladies Nine-hole group and the WGA, and the Club provided hot chocolate for everyone. Many thanks to all of Santa's helpers who made the day possible: Phil and Carol Petraglia, Kay Law, Jerri and Jim Hey, Dick and Carol Philbin, Bo Dilorenzo , Bill Ahlgren, Linda and Jerry Decsi, Bill Guwang, Arlene Gilbert, Barb Morgan, Sharon Morris , Jean Wright, Barb Gobeille, Diana Magyar, Scott and Carolyn Schaeffer, and our wonderful Assistant Manager, Jenny! It was another special Carolina Trace Tradition!